Benefits of cycling

Are you trying to figure out a new hobby that gets you moving and provides a valuable addition to your healthy lifestyle?
Here are the reasons why cycling should be your next new hobby!

Cycling is a popular mode of transportation that can be easily fit into our daily routine, whether on the streets or on natural trails. It is a low-impact exercise that benefits all levels to keep a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally.

If your goal includes keeping fit, cycling is an effective workout because it raises your metabolic rate and gets the blood pumping around your body which help to limit the chance of you being overweight. Cycling is a good option for those who want an intense workout without stressing their joints as it does not require a high impact on the knees and joints like other exercises. It also helps to improve balance, posture and coordination and decreases your risk of getting hurt from falling.

According to on “10 benefits of physical activity”, besides physical health benefits, cycling also helps to boost your mental health. Regular cycling stimulates and raises your heart rate and increases the oxygen in your blood. Thus, it helps to improve your memory, creative thinking, stay active and keep yourself energized. It also boosts your mood and gets more quality sleep at night as it calms down your mind and manages your anxiety and depression.

Cycling is a great bonding activity that can improve your relationship with family and friends and spend more quality time with them. Also, you can meet new like-minded friends by joining cycling clubs or events nearby to expand your social circle. If you are a new cyclist, you can find the information on bike maintenance and training advice that you need in the group.

In addition, cycling is the best mode of transportation that helps to reduce the carbon footprint. Based on the research from ScienceDaily, it stated that “those who switch just one trip per day from car driving to cycling reduce their carbon footprint by about 0.5 tonnes over a year, representing a substantial share of average per capita CO2 emissions.” As a result, it not only makes you healthy but also makes the world healthy.
So, let’s start cycling!
Published by: May Sabai Htwe, 13 July 2021